Kevin Matthews is the morning host and Director of Development for WLAV Radio in Grand Rapids. Before going to Grand Rapids he had a long and successful radio career in Chicago with the Loop, AM 1000, CD-94.7, and WCKG.
Rick: What is the update on your health? (Kevin recently announced he has been diagnosed with MS.)
Kevin: The news is actually pretty good. I’m undergoing treatment right now, which is really working. They tell me I should lead a somewhat normal life.
Rick: Did you know very much about MS before you were diagnosed?
Kevin: No, not at all, but I’m educating myself. MS attacks the nervous system, sometimes in the spine, and sometimes the brain, or sometimes the optic nerve. Depending where it is, it affects different things, and has different severity. It can be treated though. For me, the treatment has really reduced the mass. It’s been working out pretty well. You wouldn’t believe the number of people that have contacted me, who are going through the same thing. It’s really been great from that point of view—it humbles you.
Rick: What kind of treatment is it?
Kevin: At first it’s a heavy duty steroid treatment, but now it’s a standard treatment to prevent relapses. I’m working on regaining anything that may have been lost.
Rick: What kind of symptoms were you having that made you worry?

Rick: So you were worried that it could have been worse?
Kevin: Oh yeah. I was actually relieved by this diagnosis. It could have been much worse.
Rick: Is this going to affect your ability to do a radio show?
Kevin: No, it shouldn’t. They tell me it probably won’t. Lots of people have this and they lead normal lives. Plus, I’m taking much better care of myself. I’ve been watching my diet, getting my sleep, and exercising for the last six weeks, concentrating on living a healthier lifestyle. I should probably warn the people in St. Louis about this. Budweiser’s going to go bankrupt without me.
Rick: It was great hearing you on the air in Chicago again a few weeks ago at WLS. How did that come about?

Rick: Do you still have a home here?
Kevin: Yeah. Debbie and I have always kept a home in Chicago, and I have a place in Michigan too. Everyone in the family is doing real well. Trev’s 2nd album is coming out, Teague’s in school, Debbie’s business is doing well, and I’m really loving it in Michigan. If the kids were younger we never would have done this, but it’s working out great now.
Rick: What is it about Michigan that you love so much?
Kevin: This job. I really like Matt Hanlon, who’s our regional manager. Matt and I had been talking about my coming back for about three years before I did. This is where I got my start, so it’s always been a special place for me. And I’ve had a great time rebuilding the morning show—which is back up to #1.
Rick: I was on your show a few times this past summer and got to hear long stretches of it. I think it’s really sounding good. For your fans in Chicago who haven’t heard your show in awhile, how it is the same and different from what is was here?
Ed Buchanan is my news guy, and it’s so great to work with him again. He was a broadcast teacher of mine in college, and the guy who gave me my first job. Ed was the guy that started up WLAV, which is one of the classic rock stations in America. He broke everybody (musically) in those days. From Aerosmith to Genesis, he was the first guy to play ‘em. It was the first FM underground station, and it’s turned into a powerhouse.
This is the station he started, and the station I started on, so I really think that’s why so many people have connected to the morning show. It’s part of this community—especially thanks to Ed. They feel a connection to him. Plus, it’s a fun show. That’s all I want to do on the air these day. Just have fun. When you start thinking about your funeral, things have a way of getting into perspective quickly.
Rick: So is it going to stay in Grand Rapids?
Kevin: Yes. I would like to see the radio show grow, but I’d like to stay in Michigan, and if we pick up other markets, I’d like to keep it to the Midwest. I like the Midwest, that’s really who I am, and who I connect to, people from this area.
Rick: Tell me about your other job there, director of development.
Kevin: I put a radio station on the air, the Outlaw, which is doing really well. That’s a format I’ve thought about since Jimmy de Castro sold AM 1000, and Matt is letting me do it. I think it’s a beautiful radio station, it’s all hand groomed. When you listen to it, it feels like you’re in Austin Texas. This is how I describe it: music that makes you want to get a trailer in Austin and just get drunk. Artists that aren’t being played anywhere: Dwight Yoakim, Steve Earle, Merle Haggard. I’ve always loved that music. Legends and young guns. Lucinda Williams to Snow Patrol to Phish to the Grateful Dead to George Jones. It’s a carefully crafted music station. And it’s really growing.
We have no personalities on the air. The music does the talking. It’s just a really innovative direction that radio can be going. If people want to listen to it, they can go to www.925fmtheoutlaw.com People out of Nashville are really into it—I hear from them all the time. It’s being listened to all over the world.
Rick: And this is your baby.

Rick: Your market hasn’t gotten PPM yet, has it?
Kevin: No, not yet.
Rick: I’m curious to see if that changes anything there, because it sure has here. That, and the economy, which is hurting every business. I don’t know how closely you follow the radio business in Chicago, but in the last few months some of the biggest names in personality radio have lost their gigs here: Steve Dahl, Eddie & Jobo, Mike North. Do you think personality radio is in danger of disappearing altogether? After all, when budgets start getting slashed, it doesn’t take a genius to see who is making the most money, and whammo...

Rick: I’ve known you for more than 20 years, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about your radio influences growing up. Is there anybody out there that helped shape your approach to doing radio?

Rick: And someone’s letting you run a radio station now?
Kevin: (laughs) I know people are worried about the business, but I see this as an opportunity to recommit to what radio can be. You can be all doom and gloom, or you can really work at it. My advertisers have all become really good friends. We create marketing together. We’re not just playing commercials. If you’ve got something people want to hear, they’ll listen. I think maybe one of the reasons we’re handling this so well up here is that we’ve been in this economy now for over two years. People will still advertise. People will still buy every day products. You just have to hustle. Look at the opportunity instead of the doom and gloom. We’re going survive this.