Bobby Skafish has been a fixture on the Chicago radio dial for more than thirty years.
That's him (above) during a live St. Patrick's Day broadcast for WXRT a few years ago.

WFLM, Crown Point, Indiana, April-October, 1976.
(One man operation. DJ, PD, sales, production.)
WXRT Nov. 76-August 1983.
(Started the Big Beat in 79. Worked 6-10 pm)
WLUP August of 83 until August 93
(Almost exclusively pm drive. Hosted national interview show w/Robert Plant in 83, a national Pretenders b'cast in 87 and sub-hosted Rockline w/Styx in 90.)
Q-101 Oct. 93 to Sept. 94.
(Arrived after Loop format change. 1/2 of time there did weekends, the other 1/2 I did morning drive)
Back to XRT Nov. 94 to Nov. 06
(Stayed until contract ran out)
Handcrafted Radio Jan 07-June 07
WDRV, The Drive, June 07-Present
(Worked part time until August 07, afternoons 3-8 pm since then)
UPDATED 3/18/08
Rick's note: About six months after Bobby Skafish did a Chicago Radio Spotlight interview with me he got a call from his old boss Greg Solk, who asked him to do a weekend shift on the Drive. It didn't take long before Bobby was back in the saddle again, doing the afternoon show there. He can now be heard every afternoon between 3-8 pm.
I caught up with Bobby again recently and asked him how he liked the new gig...
Bobby: Working at The Drive has been a great source of joy for me. The people are friendly and keep it real-no evidence of ego trippin'. When I get direction on my presentation from Patty Martin or Greg Solk it's done clearly and unambiguously, with the only goal being a better sounding station. The result is that this ol' dog has learned new tricks, for which I'm grateful. They are also quick to compliment, too.
Drive music is so much fun to play. It feels age-appropriate and just plain right. The true test for me is that I instinctively turn The Drive on at home or in the car when I want to listen to music radio. It's a feel good.
Having worked in the Hancock for ten years during my Loop tenure, it's great to be back on a cool stretch of Michigan Avenue. My goal is to not inadvertently plow into pedestrian traffic when I pass the huge Victoria's Secret window display-I'm getting there! Finally, its so boss seeing Bob Stroud again on a daily basis, with the two of us on back to back. Ralph Lauren would be wise to install a webcam in the air studio to give Stroud's Polo wardrobe worldwide exposure on a daily basis.
* * * * * * *
And now here is the interview from 2007 in it's original form. When Bobby got the gig at the Drive he reluctantly said goodbye to Handcrafted Radio, but I left the information here in case anyone was interested...
Rick: Tell us about your new internet radio venture.

Rick: You've had some incredible highlights in your career. Tell us about a few that make you smile when you think back on them.
Bobby: Career highlights include interviewing Bob Geldof at the Loop the day the Band Aid record, Do They Know It's Christmas was released in 1984. That transcends the usual artist- working- his- record conversation. Also, I got the from the horses mouth interview w/Dave Matthews regarding the dumping of waste from their tour bus into the Chicago River. You could hear the adrenalin and sincerity in his voice, and it made the papers and the TV news.
Rick: You're known as a music guy--someone who truly loves the music he plays. Of the rock and roll artists still working and touring today, who do you have the most respect for, and why?

Rick: What is the worst advice radio management ever gave you?
Bobby: One PD and GM duo pleaded w/ me not to leave their station to go work for another, working the fear angle on me with much gusto. They told me how the downtown stations are all impersonal, corrupt, plastic, hotbeds of rampant egomania, and dictated to from out of town owners. Their "stay in our cozy womb" nonsense was purely agenda driven.
Rick: Bobby Knight said that "My Way" was his favorite song because his regrets were too few to mention. Do you feel the same way, or is there a tinge of regret--a performer you never met, a record you never got to play, something you wish you had said or never said on the air?
Bobby: No deep regrets for me and few missed opportunities; I have drunk deeply from the crazy cup called radio.