Todd Manley
When I interviewed Todd in November 2007, he was the creative director at WGN. He has since moved to St. Louis and is the program director of KTRS. I asked him how he is liking his new gig...
August 18th we re-launched our morning show – I reunited our current star with his former partner and they’re really a great combo platter of jib and jab and have a taste of Bill and Wendy(aka Q101 days). I always loved those two. It will be a re-freshing way to do News-Talk. Also very proud of our web-site – – Our PM drive star has a tremendous blog internal to the site. I sure miss Chicago – but this has been a really rewarding adventure.
Below is the original interview...
Todd Manley is the Creative Director of WGN-Radio (720 AM)
Before Chicago:
"I'm a Saluki. SIU grad in Communications and Fine Arts. Worked as features producer for NPR/WSIU-FM. By my 'second sophomore' year at Southern, I was working full-time doing high school football play-by-play, hosting mornings, nights, producing spots, and sweeping the floors at WCIL-AM & FM. Basically whatever they asked in order to pay my tuition. My theater scholarship got chewed up by Reaganomics. Basically, two ad agencies and seven sets of call letters took me from Carbondale to Champaign to Indianapolis to Chicago. In Indy I had a weekend show and did imaging for a hip hop station. My agency work was mostly as a writer/producer for radio campaigns. The highlight was a series of spots I produced with Lorenzo Music(aka Garfield the Cat/Carlton the Doorman)."
In Chicago:
1989-1990 WYSY-FM -- Production Director
1990-1992 WPNT-FM/The Point -- Morning Traffic Reporter
1992-1994 WPNT-FM/The Point -- Nighttime Jock
1994-1996 WPNT/FM 100 -- Production/Imaging Director
1996-1998 WCKG-FM -- Production/Imaging Director
1998-2000 WGN-AM -- Production/Imaging Director
2000-2004 WGN-AM -- Production Director & Asst. PD
2004-present WGN-AM -- Creative Director
Rick: Anyone who listens to the Cubs on the radio has heard your voice hundreds of times sending everyone back to the "Pat & Ron Show." It's time for full-disclosure. Are you, in fact, a Cubs fan?

Rick: You're the Creative Director at WGN. What does that mean exactly for the uninitiated?
Todd: The Creative Director role just expands my responsibilities some. In addition to overseeing the commercial production staff, and producing the station imaging -- I work with the PD, marketing director and sales managers on how our products are merchandised and produced in podcasts, specials, streaming, print, and events. The reality of all our gigs -- how do we increase revenue without adding commercial inventory.
Rick: Working at a station like WGN, someone in your position has the opportunity of working with all sorts of shows and all sorts of different personalities. Do you have any favorite stories from your years in the job?
Todd: Is this where I tell you about the fist fight over Henry Kissinger between Milt Rosenberg & John Williams' producer? Or how Wiser has to wipe the cheek of the Elvis on Velvet pic that Spike kisses for good luck every morn on the way to Studio A? There was the look on Mayor Daley's face when I asked him after a Bob Collins interview to come into my studio and say 'GO SOX' a couple times to use for a Cubs ticket giveaway.

Rick: You also produced that excellent tribute for WGN's 80th birthday a few years ago. What did you learn about the station that you didn't know before you began the project?

Rick: Before working at WGN, you held the same title at WCKG, and worked with the likes of Stern, Brandmeier and Dahl. How did that experience prepare you for WGN, and how was it completely unlike what you're doing now?

At 'GN everything was live and local. I needed to thread the soul of the station throughout the day in promo form(but I had complete access to each show in order to do it), and it was/is a challenge that gets me pumped. When push comes to shove I'm a sucker for a great storyteller. I dig using the words of hosts to write copy on a hard drive.
Rick: I know you spent most of your life in Chicago. Now that you've been working in the industry for as long as you have, and with the legendary talent that you've worked with, you've probably met just about everyone. Who were some of your radio heroes growing up, and how did they measure up to what you thought they would be?

Rick: What's the best and worst advice you ever got in the business?
Todd: Advice doesn't usually play well with me. It is so absolute. I like to keep my options open...which means I occasionally fall flat on my face, but the one thing I'm really great at is getting back up again--so that seems to work for me. I do collect adages, though. My favorite is: Do what you love, and the rest will follow.